
Create or update a document.

The index API will either _create_ a new document, or _update_ an existing one, when a document :id is passed. When creating a document, an ID will be auto-generated, when it's not passed as an argument.

You can specifically enforce the _create_ operation by settint the op_type argument to create, or by using the {Actions#create} method.

Optimistic concurrency control is performed, when the version argument is specified. By default, no version checks are performed.

By default, the document will be available for {Actions#get} immediately, for {Actions#search} only after an index refresh operation has been performed (either automatically or manually).

@example Create or update a document myindex/mytype/1

client.index index: 'myindex', type: 'mytype', id: '1', body: { title: 'Test 1', tags: ['y', 'z'], published: true,


Detailed Description

published at, counter: 1 }

@example Refresh the index after the operation (useful e.g. in integration tests)

client.index index: 'myindex', type: 'mytype', id: '1', body: { title: 'TEST' }, refresh: true index: 'myindex', q: 'title:test'

@example Create a document with a specific expiration time (TTL)

# Decrease the default housekeeping interval first: client.cluster.put_settings body: { transient: { 'indices.ttl.interval' => '1s' } }

# Enable the _ttl property for all types within the index client.indices.create index: 'myindex', body: { mappings: { mytype: { _ttl: { enabled: true } } } }

client.index index: 'myindex', type: 'mytype', id: '1', body: { title: 'TEST' }, ttl: '5s'

sleep 3 and client.get index: 'myindex', type: 'mytype', id: '1' # => {"index"=>"myindex" ... "_source"=>{"title"=>"TEST"}}

sleep 3 and client.get index: 'myindex', type: 'mytype', id: '1' # => Elasticsearch::Transport::Transport::Errors::NotFound: [404] ...

@option arguments String :id Document ID (optional, will be auto-generated if missing) @option arguments String :index The name of the index (*Required*) @option arguments String :type The type of the document (*Required*) @option arguments Hash :body The document @option arguments String :consistency Explicit write consistency setting for the operation (options: one, quorum, all) @option arguments String :op_type Explicit operation type (options: index, create) @option arguments String :parent ID of the parent document @option arguments String :percolate Percolator queries to execute while indexing the document @option arguments Boolean :refresh Refresh the index after performing the operation @option arguments String :replication Specific replication type (options: sync, async) @option arguments String :routing Specific routing value @option arguments Time :timeout Explicit operation timeout @option arguments Time :timestamp Explicit timestamp for the document @option arguments Duration :ttl Expiration time for the document @option arguments Number :version Explicit version number for concurrency control @option arguments String :version_type Specific version type (options: internal, external, external_gte, force)

